(Member of Sungai Budi Group)
Fully Integrated Eco Friendly And Low Cost
Producer of Crude Palm Oil With Vegetable Cooking Oil
And Other Vegetable Oil Downstreams
(“The Company”)
The Board of Directors of the Company hereby notifies the summary of the minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders and the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders (“Meeting”) of the Company that held in Legian Room 1 & 2 – Gran Melia Hotel, Jl. HR. Rasuna Said – Kuningan, South Jakarta, on Friday, dated June 05th, 2015 at 14:20 WIB until 15:00 WIB for the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders and at 15:15 WIB until 15:35 WIB for the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders, to fulfill Article 34 Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 32/ POJK.04/2014 dated December 08th, 2014 on the Plans and Conducts The General Meeting of Shareholders of a Public Company (hereinafter reffered as “POJK No. 32/2014”).
The Meeting was attended by :
Board of Commissioners
President Commissioner : Santoso Winata
Commissioner : Oey Albert
Independent Commissioner : Richtter Pane
Board of Directors
President Diretor : Widarto
Deputy President Director : Sudarmo Tasmin
Director : Djunaidi Nur
Oey Alfred
The Shareholder
The shareholders who attended the Meeting were the shareholders who represent 4.533.345.356 (four billion five hundred thirty three million three hundred fourty five thousand three hundred and fifty six) of shares or 84,86% (eighty four point eighty six percent) for the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and 4.533.346.756 (four billion five hundred thirty three million three hundred fourty six thousand seven hundred and fifty six) of shares or 84,86% (eighty four point eighty six percent) for the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholdres of total shares who are have a voting right which are valid in the Meeting that are 5.342.098.939 (five billion three hundred fourty two million ninety eight thousand nine hundred and thirty nine)shares.
According to the provision of Article 8 point (1), Article 10 point (1) and Article 13 point (1) POJK No. 32/2014 and Article 14 point (2) and (3) of The Article of Association of the Company, and according to the provision of the laws and regulations including the provisions of regulation in the Capital Market, the Board of Directors of the Company among others have done things as follows:
Notify about the plan to conduct the Meeting to Financial Services Authority (”
In discussion of every agenda of the Meeting, the shareholders/its representatives were given a change to ask questions related to the agenda of the Meeting which had been discussed.
The Mechanism of the decision-making in the Meeting were as follows:
The Result of the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders were as follows :
Resolution of the Voting
Affirmative Votes : 4.533.345.356 shares or 100% of that were present
Abstain Votes : 0 share or 0% of that were present
Disapproving Votes : 0 share or 0% of that were present
Resolutions of the Meeting
Welcome, approve and certify the Annual Report of the Company including the supervision report of the Board of Commissioners and to certify the Company’s Financial Report for the book year 2014 as well as indemnify and relieve full responsibility (acquit et decharge) to all members of Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners of the company for all the acts of management and supervision by them during the book year 2014.
Resolution of The Meeting
Approve and set the use of the company net profit for the book year 2014 with a final dividend of Rp. 139.436.671.353,- (one hundred thirty nine billion four hundred thirty six million six hundred seventy one thousand three hundred and fifty three Rupiah) and an amount of Rp. 500.000.000,- (five hundred million rupiah) set as a reserve fund. The rest of the company’s net profit after deducting the reserve fund will be utilized for the operational activities of the Company which will be included in the post of “Retained Earnings”. Further, giving the power and authority to the Board of Directors of the Company to do all any necessary acts related to the implementation of decisions above mentioned including but not limited to make or ask to be made all deeds, letters and documents required, and attend to the authorized institution, one thing and another without any exclusion.
Resolution of The Meeting
Approve and give power and authority to the Board of Directors of the Company, if the Company’s financial position allows it to determine and to distribute the interim dividend of the book year 2015 and give power to the Board of Directors of the Company with the right of the substitution to do other things which are related to the disbursement of such interim dividend.
Resolution of The Meeting
Giving power and authority to the Commissioner of the Company to determine the amount of the honorarium, salary and other benefits for the members of the Board of Commissioners and The Board of Directors of the Company for the book year 2015. The determination of the salary and/or the honorarium will be done by considering the proposal from the Board of Commissioners who will base their proposal on the recommendations at the Remuneration Commitee and Nomination of the Company.
Resolution of The Meeting
Giving power and authority to the Board of Directors of the Company to appoint the Independent Public Accountant Firm that will audit the Company’s books for the book year that will end on December 31st 2015 and to determine the amount of the honorarium of the Independent Public Accountant as well as other terms of the appointment.
II.The Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders held with the agenda as follows :
The Result of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders were as follows :
Resolutions of the Meeting
Aprove the appointment of Mrs. Mawarti Wongso as the Director of the Company starting from the Meeting is adjourned until the end of the term of service of the Company’s management which will be on June 12nd, 2018, without any prejudice to the right of the General Meeting of Shareholder to dismiss his/her (them)at any time, therefore the composition of the Company’s management is as follows :President Commissioner : Santoso WinataCommissioner : Oey AlbertIndependent Commissioner : Richtter PanePresident Diretor : WidartoDeputy President Director : Sudarmo TasminDirector : Djunaidi NurDirector : Oey AlfredDirector : Mawarti WongsoIndependent Director : Teow Soi EngAs well as give full authority and power with the right of substitution to the Board of Director to do any necessary acts in order to change the Company’s management including but not limited to restate in a notary deed as well as to report and register a notice of the change of the Company’s management to the authorized institution as required in the laws and regulations.
Resolution of The Meeting
Approve a change of the Company’s Article of Association especially in order to comply with the provisions of POJK No. 32/2014, Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 33/POJK.04/2014 dated December 08th, 2014 on Issuers’ Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners or a Public Company, and POJK No. 38/2014.As well as give full authority and power with the right of the substitution to the Board of Director to do any action in order to change the Company’s Article of Association implementation, including but not limited to make adjustments necessary against the concept of change the Company’s Articles of Association, to make adjustments required by the authorized institution relating to the change of the Company’s Article of Association, to restate in a notary deed and notify and/or submit application for approval on the change of the Company’s Articles of Association to the authorized institution according to the laws and regulations.
Dividend Distribution ScheduleFurthermore in connection with the decision of the second agenda of the Meeting where the Meeting decided to pay a final dividend with the schedule and procedure as follows:
No. | Description | Date |
1. | Announcement in Newspaper | June 8th,2015 |
2. | Announcement in the Indonesian Stock Exchange | June 8th,2015 |
3. | Cum Dividend in the Regular Market and Negotiation Market | June 12th,2015 |
4. | Ex Dividend in the Regular Market and Negotiation Market | June 15th,2015 |
5. | Recording Date | June 17th,2015 |
6. | Cum Dividend in the Cash Market | June 17th,2015 |
7. | Ex Dividend in the Cash Market | June 18th,2015 |
8. | Dividend Payment | June 26th,2015 |
Dividend Distribution
Jakarta, June 08th 2015
The Board of Directors
(Member of Sungai Budi Group)
Fully Integrated Eco Friendly And Low Cost
Producer of Crude Palm Oil With Vegetable Cooking Oil
And Other Vegetable Oil Downstreams
Dengan ini Direksi Perseroan mengumumkan ringkasan risalah Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan dan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa (“Rapat”) Perseroan yang diselenggarakan di Ruang Legian 1 & 2 – Gran Melia Hotel, Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said – Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan, pada hari Jum’at, tanggal 05 Juni 2015 pukul 14:20 WIB sampai dengan Pukul 15:00 WIB untuk Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan dan pukul 15:15 WIB sampai dengan Pukul 15:35 WIB untuk Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa dalam rangka memenuhi Pasal 34 Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan No. 32/POJK.04/2014 tanggal 8 Desember 2014 tentang Rencana dan Penyelenggaraan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Perusahaan Terbuka (selanjutnya disebut “POJK No. 32/2014”).
Rapat dihadiri oleh:
Dewan Komisaris
Presiden Komisaris : Santoso Winata
K o m i s a r i s : Oey Albert
Komisaris Independen : Richtter Pane
Presiden Direktur : Widarto
Wakil Presiden Direktur : Sudarmo Tasmin
D i r e k t u r : Djunaidi Nur
Oey Alfred
Pemegang Saham
Para pemegang saham yang hadir dalam Rapat yaitu para pemegang saham yang mewakili sejumlah 4.533.345.356 (empat milyar lima ratus tiga puluh tiga juta tiga ratus empat puluh lima ribu tiga ratus lima puluh enam) saham atau sebesar 84,86% (delapan puluh empat koma delapan enam persen) untuk Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan dan sejumlah 4.533.346.756 (empat milyar lima ratus tiga puluh tiga juta tiga ratus empat puluh enam ribu tujuh ratus lima puluh enam) saham atau sebesar 84,86% (delapan puluh empat koma delapan enam persen) untuk Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa dari total saham yang mempunyai hak suara yang sah dalam Rapat yaitu 5.342.098.939 (lima milyar tiga ratus empat puluh dua juta sembilan puluh delapan ribu sembilan ratus tiga puluh sembilan) saham.
Sesuai dengan ketentuan Pasal 8 ayat (1), Pasal 10 ayat (1) dan Pasal 13 ayat (1) POJK No. 32/2014 dan Pasal 14 ayat (2) dan (3) Anggaran Dasar Perseroan, serta sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku termasuk ketentuan perundangan di Pasar Modal, Direksi Perseroan antara lain telah melakukan hal-hal sebagai berikut:
Dalam pembahasan setiap agenda Rapat, pemegang saham/kuasanya diberikan kesempatan untuk mengajukan pertanyaan yang sesuai dengan agenda Rapat yang dibicarakan
Mekanisme pengambilan keputusan dalam Rapat adalah sebagai berikut:
Hasil keputusan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan adalah sebagai berikut:
Keputusan Rapat
Menerima baik, menyetujui dan mengesahkan Laporan Tahunan Perseroan termasuk Laporan Pengawasan Dewan Komisaris dan mengesahkan Laporan Keuangan Perseroan untuk Tahun Buku 2014 serta memberikan pelunasan dan pembebasan tanggungjawab sepenuhnya (acquit et decharge) kepada seluruh anggota Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris Perseroan atas semua tindakan pengurusan dan pengawasan yang dilakukan masing-masing selama Tahun Buku 2014.
Keputusan Rapat
Menyetujui dan menetapkan penggunaan laba bersih Perseroan untuk Tahun Buku 2014 dengan membagikan dividen final sebesar Rp. 139.436.671.353 (seratus tiga puluh sembilan milyar empat ratus tiga puluh enam juta enam ratus tujuh puluh satu ribu tiga ratus lima puluh tiga Rupiah) dan sebesar Rp. 500.000.000,- (lima ratus juta Rupiah) ditetapkan sebagai dana cadangan. Sisa dari laba bersih Perseroan setelah dikurangi dana cadangan akan dimanfaatkan untuk kegiatan operasional Perseroan yang dimasukkan dalam pos “Saldo Laba”. Lebih lanjut, memberikan kuasa dan wewenang kepada Direksi Perseroan untuk melakukan segala tindakan yang diperlukan terkait dengan pelaksanaan keputusan-keputusan tersebut di atas termasuk tetapi tidak terbatas untuk membuat atau meminta dibuatkan segala akta-akta, surat-surat maupun dokumen-dokumen yang diperlukan, serta hadir di hadapan pihak/pejabat yang berwenang, satu dan lain hal tanpa ada yang dikecualikan.
Huruf Jumlah Pemegang Saham Yang Bertanya : 0 Saham
Hasil Pemungutan Suara :
– Setuju : 4.533.345.356 saham atau 100% dari yang hadir.
– Abstain : 0 saham atau 0% dari yang hadir.
– Tidak Setuju : 0 saham atau 0% dari yang hadir.
Keputusan RapatMenyetujui serta memberikan kuasa dan wewenang kepada Direksi Perseroan, jika keadaan keuangan Perseroan memungkinkan, untuk menetapkan dan membagikan dividen interim Tahun Buku 2015 serta memberikan kuasa kepada Direksi Perseroan dengan hak substitusi untuk melaksanakan hal-hal lain yang terkait dengan pembagian dividen interim tersebut.
Keputusan Rapat
Memberikan kuasa dan wewenang kepada Presiden Komisaris Perseroan dalam menetapkan besarnya jumlah honorarium, gaji dan tunjangan lainnya bagi anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Perseroan untuk Tahun Buku 2015. Penetapan atas gaji dan/atau honorarium tersebut akan dilakukan dengan mempertimbangkan usulan dari Dewan Komisaris yang mendasarkan usulan tersebut atas rekomendasi dari komite remunerasi dan nominasi Perseroan.
Keputusan Rapat
Memberikan kuasa dan wewenang kepada Direksi Perseroan untuk menunjuk Kantor Akuntan Publik Independen yang akan melakukan audit atas buku Perseroan untuk tahun buku yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember 2015 dan menetapkan jumlah honorarium Akuntan Publik Independen tersebut serta persyaratan lain penunjukkannya.
II. Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa diselenggarakan dengan agenda sebagai berikut:
Hasil keputusan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa adalah sebagai berikut:
Keputusan Rapat
Menyetujui pengangkatan Saudari Mawarti Wongso sebagai Direktur Perseroan terhitung sejak Rapat ini ditutup sampai dengan berakhirnya masa jabatan pengurus Perseroan yaitu tanggal 12 Juni 2018, dengan tidak mengurangi hak Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham untuk memberhentikan sewaktu-waktu, sehingga dengan demikian susunan pengurus Perseroan adalah sebagai berikut:Presiden Komisaris : Santoso Winata
Komisaris : Oey Albert
Komisaris Independen : Richtter Pane
Presiden Direktur : WidartoWakil
Presiden Direktur : Sudarmo Tasmin
Direktur : Djunaidi Nur
Direktur : Oey Alfred
Direktur : Mawarti Wongso
Direktur Independen : Teow Soi Engserta memberikan wewenang penuh dan kuasa dengan hak substitusi kepada Direksi Perseroan untuk melakukan segala tindakan sehubungan dengan perubahan susunan pengurus Perseroan termasuk tetapi tidak terbatas untuk menyatakan dalam suatu akta notaris serta memberitahukan dan mendaftarkan perubahan susunan pengurus Perseroan tersebut kepada instansi yang berwenang sesuai peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.
Keputusan Rapat
Menyetujui perubahan Anggaran Dasar Perseroan khususnya guna menyesuaikan dengan ketentuan POJK No. 32/2014, Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan No. 33/POJK.04/2014 tanggal 8 Desember 2014 tentang Direksi Dan Dewan Komisaris Emiten Atau Perusahaan Publik, dan POJK No. 38/2014.Serta memberikan wewenang penuh dan kuasa dengan hak substitusi kepada Direksi Perseroan untuk melakukan segala tindakan sehubungan dengan perubahan Anggaran Dasar Perseroan termasuk tetapi tidak terbatas untuk melakukan penyusunan kembali seluruh Anggaran Dasar Perseroan, melakukan penyesuaian yang diwajibkan oleh instansi yang berwenang berkaitan dengan perubahan Anggaran Dasar Perseroan, untuk menyatakan dalam suatu akta notaris serta memberitahukan dan/atau mengajukan permohonan persetujuan atas perubahan Anggaran Dasar Perseroan tersebut kepada instansi yang berwenang sesuai peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.
No. |
Keterangan |
Tanggal |
1. |
Pengumuman di Surat Kabar |
08 Juni 2015 |
2. |
Pengumuman di Bursa Efek Indonesia |
08 Juni 2015 |
3. |
Cum Dividen di Pasar Reguler dan Pasar Negosiasi |
12 Juni 2015 |
4. |
Ex Dividen di Pasar Reguler dan Pasar Negosiasi |
15 Juni 2015 |
5. |
Recording Date |
17 Juni 2015 |
6. |
Cum Dividen di Pasar Tunai |
17 Juni 2015 |
7. |
Ex Dividen di Pasar Tunai |
18 Juni 2015 |
8. |
Pembayaran Dividen |
26 Juni 2015 |
Jakarta, 8 Juni 2015
PT Tunas Baru Lampung Tbk