SANTOSO WINATA President Commisioner
Indonesian citizen, born in 1962. Joined the Sungai Budi business group since 1982. He has served as Vice Chairman of the Sungai Budi business group, President Director of PT Budi Starch & Sweetener Tbk (formerly known as PT Budi Acid Jaya Tbk) and President Commissioner of TBLA since 1990.
OEY ALBERT Commisioner
Indonesian citizen, born in 1974. Joined the Sungai Budi business group since 1998. He has served as Director of PT Budi Starch & Sweetener Tbk (formerly known as PT Budi Acid Jaya Tbk) and Commissioner of TBLA since 1999.
JUSTINUS ADITYA SIDHARTA Independent Commisioner
Indonesian citizen, born in 1967. Obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Tarumanagara University in 1990. Started his career at the Johan Malonda & Partners Public Accounting Firm (1982-2010), as Independent Commissioner at PT Catur Sentosa Adiprana Tbk (2015-present) and Managing Partner at Justinus A Sidharta CPA Firm (2011-present). Appointed as Independent Commissioner of TBLA since June 2016.
WIDARTO President Director
Indonesian citizen, born in 1947. Joined the Sungai Budi business group in 1966 and since 1985 has been appointed as Chairman of the Sungai Budi business group. He has served as President Commissioner of PT Budi Starch & Sweetener Tbk (formerly known as PT Budi Acid Jaya Tbk) and President Director of TBLA since 1986.
SUDARMO TASMIN Deputy President Director
Indonesian citizen, born in 1958. Obtained a Master of Economics majoring in Accounting from Trisakti University in 1981. Started his career as an External Auditor at the Santoso Reksoatmojo & Co. Public Accounting Firm (1981-1982) and Internal Auditor at PT Inti Salim Corpora (1982-1984). Joined the Sungai Budi business group since 1984 and was appointed as Director of the Sungai Budi business group since 1986. He has served as the Deputy President Director of TBLA since 1999 to present. He currently also serves as Deputy President Director of PT Budi Starch & Sweetener Tbk (formerly known as PT Budi Acid Jaya Tbk).
Indonesian citizen, born in 1976. Obtained a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major Finance from Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, United States, in 2000. Joined the Sungai Budi business group since 2000. He has served as Commissioner of PT Budi Starch & Sweetener Tbk (formerly known as PT Budi Acid Jaya Tbk) and was appointed as Director of TBLA since 2002 to present.
Indonesian citizen, born in 1952. Obtained a Bachelor of Economics majoring in Accounting from Trisakti University in 1978. He served as Manager at the Institute for Corporate Administration at Trisakti University and teaching staff at the Faculty of Economics at Trisakti University (1979-1982). Joined the Sungai Budi business group since 1982 and served as General Manager in several companies belonging to the Sungai Budi business group until 1990. He was appointed as Director of the Sungai Budi business group since 1991, Director of PT Budi Starch & Sweetener Tbk (formerly known as PT Budi Acid Jaya Tbk) and Director of TBLA since 1997 to present.
Malaysian citizen, born in 1961. Obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Science from University Putra Malaysia in 1984 and an MBA (Agribusiness Management) from the University of New England, Australia in 2007. Started his career in Oil Palm, Rubber and Cocoa plantations with Kuala Lumpur Kepong Berhad 1984 – 1989 and Kumpulan Guthrie Berhad 1989 – 1996. As Project Manager at Land & General Berhad 1996 – 1998. From 1999 to 2003 started working in Indonesia as Plantation Manager at PT Agro Indomas and joined the Sinar Mas Group as Regional Controller from 2003 to 2006 in HTI and Oil Palm plantations. Appointed as Consultant for Oil Palm project for PT S. Widjojo Indonesia in 2006 – 2009. Joined as Head of Plantations at Hargy Oil Palms Ltd, Papua New Guinea and General Manager of PT Tolan Tiga Indonesia in Oil Palm & Rubber 2009 – 2012 with SIPEF Group, Belgium and General Manager Estates at TSH Resources Berhad in 2013 – 2014 in Malaysia. Become a Visiting Agent with Acapalm Plantation Services, Anglo Eastern Plantation Plc and CB Industrial Product Holding Berhad for Oil Palm plantations in Indonesia 2017 -2020. Most recently as General Manager at Sawira Sdn Bhd in Malaysia in 2021 and has been with PT Tunas Baru Lampung Tbk since October 2022 till now May 2023. Appointed as Director of TBLA since October 2023 to present.
Malaysian citizen, born in 1950. Obtained an Executive Master in Plantation and Estate Management from Universitas Asia e-Malaysia. Started his career as Junior and Senior Conductor in Guthries-Malaysia from 1972 to 1998. Then joined Sungai Budi Group for 19 years and started his career at Sungai Budi Group as Plantation Manager from 1998 to 1999. In the Estate Department since from 1999 to 2004, as Plantation Coordinator from 2005 to 2010, as Plantation Controller from 2011 to 2014, as General Manager from 2015-2018. Appointed as Director of TBLA since May 2018 to present.
Indonesian citizen, born in Jakarta in 1988, and has obtained a Bachelor Degree of Science in Accounting from Pepperdine University, Los Angeles, California in December 2011 and an MBA Degree – Finance Concentration from Pepperdine University, Graziadio School of Business and Management, Los Angeles, California in April 2013. Appointed as Director of TBLA since May 2023 to present.